Section: New Results

Development of cognitively inspired algorithms

Speech and language processing in humans infants and adults is particularly efficient. We use these as sources of inspiration for developing novel machine learning and speech technology algorithms. In this area, our results are as follows:

  • Recent works have explored deep architectures for learning multimodal speech representation (e.g. audio and images, articulation and audio) in a supervised way. In [63], we investigate the role of combining different speech modalities, i.e. audio and visual information representing the lips' movements, in a weakly-supervised way using Siamese networks and lexical same-different side information. In particular, we ask whether one modality can benefit from the other to provide a richer representation for phone recognition in a weakly supervised setting. We introduce mono-task and multi-task methods for merging speech and visual modalities for phone recognition. The mono-task learning consists in applying a Siamese network on the concatenation of the two modalities, while the multi-task learning receives several different combinations of modalities at train time. We show that multi-task learning enhances discriminability for visual and multimodal inputs while minimally impacting auditory inputs. Furthermore, we present a qualitative analysis of the obtained phone embeddings, and show that cross-modal visual input can improve the discriminability of phonetic features which are visually discernable (rounding, open/close, labial place of articulation), resulting in representations that are closer to abstract linguistic features than those based on audio only.

  • In [67] , we explore the role of speech register and prosody for the task of word segmentation. Since these two factors are thought to play an important role in early language acquisition, we aim to quantify their contribution for this task. We study a Japanese corpus containing both infant- and adult-directed speech and we apply four different word segmentation models, with and without knowledge of prosodic boundaries. The results showed that the difference between registers is smaller than previously reported and that prosodic boundary information helps more adult- than infant-directed speech.

  • Phonemic segmentation of speech is a critical step of speech recognition systems. In [68], we propose a novel unsupervised algorithm based on sequence prediction mod- els such as Markov chains and recurrent neural networks. Our approach consists in analyzing the error profile of a model trained to predict speech features frame- by-frame. Specifically, we try to learn the dynamics of speech in the MFCC space and hypothesize boundaries from lo- cal maxima in the prediction error. We evaluate our system on the TIMIT dataset, with improvements over similar methods.

  • In [70], we describe a new challenge aimed at discovering subword and word units from raw speech. This challenge is the follow-up to the Zero Resource Speech Challenge 2015. It aims at constructing systems that generalize across languages and adapt to new speakers. The design features and evaluation metrics of the challenge are presented and the results of seventeen models are discussed.